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Ultherapy and Nectifirm®

November is the perfect time to take advantage of our specials on Ultherapy and Revision Nectifirm®. These two options boast many of the benefits from their more invasive counterparts. Fine lines diminish and skin firms, providing a more youthful appearance. In this blog, we will give you more information about how these two treatments work. So, if you want to take the wobble out of your gobble just in time for the holidays, stay tuned!

What are they?

Wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process. As the years go by, skin loses its elasticity, gets drier, and becomes thinner, due to the decreased production of collagen. Eventually, we all face the effects of aging, but some factors speed up that timeline. These include increased sun exposure, genetics, and skin type (fair hair, blue eyes, and light skin). While aging is inevitable, science has provided us with options. If you aren’t ready to take the plunge with cosmetic surgery, Ultherapy and Nectifirm® can be great options for you.

November Specials: Ultherapy and Nectifirm®
  • Ultherapy uses ultrasound technology that is targeted to penetrate deep beneath the skin’s surface. This technology stimulates the production of collagen. The skin becomes firmer and tighter. It can be used to treat aging skin around the brows, chin, neck, and chest areas. The treatments take 30-90 minutes, depending on the area of treatment. Ultherapy can be a standalone treatment, or in conjunction with a facelift to increase results. Results can typically be seen in 2-3 months as the body produces more collagen, and there is no downtime. For the month of November, we’re offering 15% off Ultherapy treatments for the neck.
  • Nectifirm® is an award-winning formula that you apply at home. It features five peptides, plant extracts, antioxidants, and unique biotechnological blends that work together to create a more youthful and smoother chin, neck, and chest area. Nectifirm® is applied twice a day in the morning and evening, and can be used as a preventative treatment, or for early to moderate signs of aging. Results times vary, but typically take a few short weeks to see results. Until the end of November, we’ll be offering 15% off Revision Nectifirm®in office.
November Specials: Ultherapy and Nectifirm®

Aging Without the Wrinkles

Alamo Heights Dermatology empowers you to take a stand in the fight against aging skin. If fine lines and sagging skin are causing your self-confidence to diminish, our board-certified dermatologists and exemplary team are ready to help.

Don’t miss out on your chance to receive Ultherapy treatments for the neck and Nectifirm® at a 15% discount this November. To hear more about the benefits of Ultherapy and Revision Nectifirm®, contact us to set up our appointment or purchase your product. You can call us at (210) 255-8447 or visit our website to schedule an appointment today.


What is Ultherapy?
