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Holidays and Cooler Weather: Is Your Skin Ready?

As if going through the holiday season during a pandemic wasn’t stressful enough, we also have to worry about things that we tend to do during the holidays that affect our mind, body, and skin. The skin is the body’s largest organ, and ensuring it works effectively by taking care of it is key to our overall health. Many of the events during this holiday season for 2020 may be socially distanced or look different. Either way, Alamo Heights Dermatology is here to help you take care of your skin during holidays and our local Texas cooler weather.

Young woman in santa hat, get skin that is merry and bright, dermatology, winter skin care

Holiday Stressors

The holiday season is merry and bright and also filled with a lot of stressors. These can leave their impacts on your skin where they are the most visible. Late-night outings make it tempting to skip your skincare routine, while the lack of sleep is the other side of the double-edged sword that affects skin too. Your skin renews itself during sleep, and lack of sleep can be a quick way to dull, lifeless skin. Other skin stressors are:

  • Additional makeup
  • Overindulging in unhealthy food and drinks
  • Skipping your cleansing routine

Cooler Weather Skin Changes

Here in south Texas, as the temperatures drop, so does the humidity. This draws moisture out of the skin, making it drier. Heavy, colder winds and dry, indoor heated areas can further worsen the dryness, making skin susceptible to cracking and bleeding. Here are some tips to keep your skin healthy during the colder holiday season:

  • Be consistent with your skincare routine. Cleanse in the morning and follow with a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher. In the evening, wash away the day and follow with a light moisturizer.
  • Limit alcohol and unhealthy holiday foods and drinks
  • Avoid hot showers and baths that strip the oils from your skin. Use lukewarm water instead.
  • Choose a winter moisturizer that is right for your skin type. If you are prone to breakouts or have severely dry skin, work with a skincare expert to find the one right for you.
  • Seek out a dermatologist for any issues concerning your skin.
Young woman in sweater, keep your skin looking it's best this holiday season, Alamo Heights Dermatology

Get your skin ready for the holidays and colder weather with the local experts here at Alamo Heights Dermatology. Call us to schedule an appointment (210) 255-8447 for our cosmetic and general dermatology services, or book online.
